Monday, June 28, 2010

13 Timeless Finance Tips From The Bible

Personal finance advice from the Bible. Thanks to Karen Anderson for the link over at Online Christian Colleges. For a great read and some sound financial advice be sure to check out these "13 Timeless Finance Tips from the Bible."

The Bible holds a wealth of information and provides examples of how to live a wonderful life. Proverbs is my favorite chapter. What about you? Do you ever

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Four smart ways to get rid of debt

*Guest post by Veronica Brown:

Often, people get into debt but they don't have the sufficient income to get out of it. As a result they start having sleepless nights. However, there are many ways by which people can get rid of debt easily.

Four ways to get rid of debt:

* Debt Consolidation: The purpose of debt consolidation is to combine all of your unsecured debts into one monthly