Wednesday, May 26, 2010

9 quickest ways to earn money

Are you looking for quickest way to earn money? In recent times only one source of income is not enough so some part time jobs can help t to earn in a short span of time.

If you have enough money in hand then that can save from incurring debt. And so you don’t have to enroll for a debt settlement service.

These are some points that help you to earn money in fastest possible way:

1. Sell your

Monday, May 3, 2010

I will retire with over 1 million dollars in my 401K

I am currently on track to save over 1 million dollars for retirement. In fact Fidelity estimates that I'll have exactly $1,258,518 in my 401K upon retirement. Unfortunately that date is 35 years away. It will take me 32 to break the million dollar mark. I would like to speed up the process a bit and shave off 12 years so that I have a cool million saved when I turn 50.

I know it all